The Top 100 Rock Songs for Working Out

BPMsGenerally, when folks are compiling a list of top workout songs, the results cover a wide span of genres.

And, generally, I favor this sort of eclecticism.

At the same time, this approach rarely yields much in the way of surprise–because its broadness generally comes at the expense of its depth.

To that end, I wanted to focus on a single genre this week, as it would force me to go deeper.

Since I get a lot of requests for rock songs, I focused on those–considering the most popular ones on the site and filtering them through the feedback I’ve received on each.

The top of the list features all the hits I’d expected, but–as I worked my way down–the process uncovered a range of tracks I’d forgotten completely.

If you’re interested in exploring this range of established hits and overlooked gems, I’ve put together a $10 set–featuring an overview of the top 100 songs–-along with 20 rock remixes.

The list should give you plenty of ideas for rounding out your existing mixes–when you need new inspiration down the road.

At the same time, the 20 remixes–which can be downloaded at no extra charge–should provide a range of tunes that you can put to work straightaway.

In short, I’ve tried to balance a list of proven hits with remixes that cast the original tracks in a new light. I’m hoping the selections prove both helpful and surprising as you work your way through. And, if that’s not the case, let me know–and I’ll issue a refund. (Your email receipt will include my contact info–in case you want to get in touch.)

To put a 120 rock songs and remixes to work in your routine, you can pick up the Rock Workout Music set here.
